Latest News

Here you will find other news & events about the life and activities here at St Luke's and at our partner church in mission, St Alfred's Blackburn North.

Our regular Sunday Service is at 9.30AM. 

Everyone is welcome to attend!


A Prayer For Australia Day

We bless you, God of the Universe, for this land, for its contrasts of landscape and climate, for its abundance of wealth and opportunity. We bless you for our history, with all its struggles in adversity, its courage and hope. Give us in our diversity tolerance and respect for each other and a passionate commitment to justice for all. Bless us so that we might be a blessing to others. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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A Prayer For Australia in Drought and Fire

A Prayer For Australia In Drought And Fire
Our heavenly Father, creator of all things and especially the creator of this land and its original peoples, we call out to you in these desperate times as fires have swept across several parts of our country. Our hearts cry out to you for those who have lost loved ones, and those who have lost properties in the wake of these ravaging fires.

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New Sermon Series - Solomon and The Kingdom of God

Sunday January 5 2020 we began a new sermon series called "Solomon and the Kingdom of God" based on 1 Kings 1-11

King Solomon takes over from his father King David and Israel is at a critical time in its history.

New Sermon Series - Solomon and The Kingdom of God

What's That Got to do with Christmas? Sun Dec 22 5PM

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, about 125 adults and 35 children enjoyed a wonderful drama and carols service - a terrific cast of 13 talented kids told the story of Christmas

1 empty Christmas tree + 2 excitable children + 11 mysterious visitors = one very big story.

“What’s That Got To Do With Christmas” uses fun and drama to explore what was really going on in Bethlehem all those years ago as performers come down the chimney to spread the word about Christmas.

You can still see this performance at our partner church St Alfred's on Christmas Eve at 5PM

What's That Got to do with Christmas? Sun Dec 22 5PM

Explore Christmas

Welcome to Church! This morning we begin a new  series called "Explore Christmas ". This series will focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

Our Associate Minister Rev Mark Simon will lead the service and our Senior minister Rev Peter MacPherson will preach from the passages Luke 1:1-4 and John 20:24-31 with the theme of Is Christmas Believable?

Everyone is welcome! We have refreshments after the service, and we would love to spend time with you.

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Explore Christmas

Sunday October 20th St Luke's Day

We had a wonderful morning to celebrate St Luke's Day!

Our Associate minister Rev Mark Simon (both pictured) led the service and our Senior Minister Rev Peter MacPherson preached from the passage Philippians 3:10-21 with the theme of Transformed In Christ.

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Sunday October 20th St Luke's Day

Sunday September 15th New Sermon Series - The Christian Life

Together with our partner church St Alfred's at Blackburn North we began a new eight week sermon series called The Christian Life  based from Paul's letter to the Philippians.

We will consider what it means to be a Christian and what changes occur in life when you become a Christian. You are encouraged to use the "Discipleship Explored" resource which goes through Philippians

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Sunday September 15th New Sermon Series - The Christian Life

Saturday September 14th Men's Brunch

On Saturday September 14th about 50 men of all ages met over a wonderful breakfast at St Alfred's Anglican church, our partner church,and then heard an inspiring and challenging discussion on the Lobbe family's story of living with mental illness.

It is an amazing story of resilience and at times was raw with emotion but ultimately a great story of family, friendship and community support

Saturday September 14th Men's Brunch

Men's BBQ Grill Sat September 7 5pm-7pm

As part of the Explore series  at our partner church St Alfred's, we  joined with the men of St Alfred's for a Men's BBQ Grill! 

We heard from Andrew Grills during the evening. Andrew has spent most of his life as an officer in the Australian Army. Graduating with the Sword of Honour from the Australian Defence Force Academy, he served in Infantry and Intelligence, including several visits to the Middle East, operations in East Timor with the commandos and a postgraduate degree in International Relations from Oxford University. Andrew later became an Army Chaplain at the Australian Recruit Training Centre at Kapooka, before leaving the full time Army in 2013 to plant a new church in Geelong with City on a Hill. The church began with 8 adults and in God's grace has now grown to a community of more than 400 people and is in the process of planting a new church of its own. Andrew has been married to his beautiful wife Danna for 20 years and has five young children. He loves the ocean, travelling, playing with his kids (including attending their innumerable sporting matches) and reading military history. 

Men's BBQ Grill Sat September 7 5pm-7pm

Life Explored

On July 21 we started a special new 7 week series called Life Explored. 

Life Explored is an informal and relaxed seven week course. Its for anyone who wants to find contentment and happiness in life. Its run by ordinary Christian people local to you and is completely free. You don't need to know anything about the Bible, and you won't be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like, or you can just sit and listen. Whoever you are, whatever you're thinking Life Explored is a place for you to discover the greatest gift in the Universe.

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Life Explored

Men's Brunch Saturday May 25

Sixty five men, ranging from 15yo to 90yo met over a delicious brunch and then listened to an energised and inspired Max Meyers talk about "lessons from Life"

We met at our partner church St Alfred's in Blackburn North.

Stay tuned for details about a weekend Men's camp in August at Marysville.

The next Men's brunch will be 14th September.

See the attached file for upcoming dates!

You can listen to the talk here:

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Men's Brunch Saturday May 25

New Sermon Series-Sermon on the Mount

Our new sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7. These chapters are often thought of as containing the essence of Jesus’ teaching. People who are not Christians will sometimes refer to Jesus as a great teacher, thinking about his emphasis on mercy, love, peace and turning the other cheek. But how many have actually read the Sermon on the Mount and heard the call to “the narrow road that leads to life” (Mt 7:14)? What does he mean about building your house on rock? Or storing up treasures in heaven? These are challenging chapters indeed. This will be a great series for anyone thinking about Christianity.

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New Sermon Series-Sermon on the Mount

Evening with Ken Fish - Saturday April 27

Evening with Ken Fish, Healing Evangelist with Kingdom Fire Ministries USA

Ken preaches all around the world and is a frequent visitor to Australia and to St Alfred's, in particular

Our partner church, St Alfred's Anglican Church, Blackburn North, hosted this special event.

There was an open invitation to hear Ken speak and to take part in a time of worship, teaching and ministry.

Ken has a background in Vineyard Church and leads conferences on Healing, Inner Healing, Deliverance, Healing Sexual Brokenness, Prophecy, Signs and Wonders and Hearing God’s voice. He is passionate about Healing and Evanglism.

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Evening with Ken Fish - Saturday April 27

Explore Easter - Sunday April 21 - Easter Sunday!

Welcome to St Luke's this morning. Easter Sunday  is a special day in that we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Our Associate Minister, Rev Mark Simon led the service and preached on Why Does The Resurrection Matter? taken from Mark 16 : 1-8

We were treated to a laughter and fun filled I Spy Children's holiday program presentation during the service!

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Explore Easter - Sunday April 21 - Easter Sunday!

Good Friday April 19 - Explore Easter with Bishop Paul Barker

Easter is a special time for the Christian churches!

 For Good Friday  we especially welcomed Bishop Paul Barker to our service, who preached on the topic Why the Cross Matters - taken from Mark 15: 1-47


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Good Friday April 19 - Explore Easter with Bishop Paul Barker

Rev Mark Simon Commissioned!

The Rev Mark Simon was commissioned as Associate Minister for St Luke's Anglican Church, Vermont on Sunday April 14 2019 by our Senior Minister Rev Peter MacPherson.

Today was a special service in the life of our church, and in the partnership with St Alfred's.

Mark is pictured on the right.

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Rev Mark Simon Commissioned!

FINAL Service for our Associate Minister Rev Brian Westaway

Last Sunday, Feb 24th, our service was led by Rev Brian Westaway, and the sermon given by our Senior Pastor, Rev Peter MacPherson.

Some 70 people attended a wonderful service, where we heard a great message from Peter about investing your skills and time for the furthering of God's work, and the great joy that brings.

We farewelled Brian and Judy Westaway after the service with a special morning tea. It was really a lunch - lots of food to share.

We  presented them with a gift and a large card, to thank them for their wonderful leadership, faithful Christian ministry and their friendship to us all.

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FINAL Service for our Associate Minister Rev Brian Westaway

New Sermon Series - Essentials for life.

Sunday February 10th we commenced a new five week series called "Essentials for Life".

You might describe these essentials with words like belonging, growing, serving, reaching out and loving. They could also be described with words like connectedness or membership, maturity, ministry, mission and worship.

 This series will lay an important foundation for the rest of the year. It will remind you of why we are church and what really matters. We strongly encourage you to attend or listen to the sermons of each of the five Sundays. We think you will find it refreshing, challenging and encouraging.

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New Sermon Series - Essentials for life.

A Wonderful Week At Raymond Island!

Fri Dec 28 2018 – Fri Jan 4 2019

About 30 adults and 7 children thoroughly enjoyed  our week away in the magnificent grounds on “The Abbey” Raymond Island, Gippsland Lakes. It wasa  great opportunity for relaxation and fellowship for all ages – everyone is always made welcome. The Abbey is set on several acres of open bushland where koalas, echidnas and kangaroos are frequent visitors and the birdlife chorus provides the island’s soundtrack.

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A Wonderful Week At Raymond Island!

New Sermon Series - The Beginning of the Gospel

Following our lead-in to Christmas 2018 with our Surprise! series, we have begun a new series called The Beginning of theGospel, with the text from Mark.

All our sermons are available on our web site Sermons page and we encourage you to listen to the whole series.

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New Sermon Series - The Beginning of the Gospel

100th Armistice Day Prayer and Reflection

From Peter MacPherson, our Senior Minister

This Sunday marks the centenary of the end of World War 1.  The Armistice was signed at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 thus bringing hostilities to an end. Historians estimate that 15-20 million people had died because of the war. The scale of death is beyond comprehension.

We rightly pause to mark this centenary in 2018. It’s a moment to give thanks but also a moment to reflect. Sadly the last 100 years suggest that humans continue to find it impossible to live at peace with one another.

You might find it helpful to pray the following prayer:

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100th Armistice Day Prayer and Reflection

St Luke’s Day Was A Great Celebration Sunday 21 October, 2018!

We as the current church community at St Luke's Vermont, together with about 12 past members celebrated together St Luke's Day - the 111th at Vermont, from our beginning in 1907 to the present

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St Luke’s Day Was A Great Celebration Sunday 21 October, 2018!

St Luke’s Working Bee Sat July 7

Thanks to everyone who came along! Despite the wet and cold weather we had an enthusiastic group of people come and share the load.

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St Luke’s Working Bee Sat July 7