Latest News
Our weekly services are Sundays @ 9.30AM. Everyone is most welcome! Come and join us.
We celebrate Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays of each month.
January 29 - Final Service With Mike and Jo McNamara
This Sunday, January 29 2023 will be the final time we have Rev Mike McNamara come to preach.
Mike will be preaching on Living For Christ, from the text 2 Cor 5:11-6:2
All are welcome!
... read moreJanuary 15 2023 Blessing and Honesty
Sunday January 15 we welcome St Alfred's Associate Minister Rev Rene Pfitzner who will continue our current sermon series called 'summer blessings'
This Sunday Rene is preaching on 'blessing and honesty' taken from Psalm 24
All are welcome!
... read moreJanuary 8 2023 Blessing and Deception
This Sunday our Senior Minister Rev Peter MacPherson will preach on the theme 'Blessing and Deception' from Genesis 27 : 1-40
All are most welcome!
... read moreJanuary 1, 2023 A Time and Season for Everything
Happy New Year to everyone! On Sunday Jan 1 2023 our Associate Minister Rev Dr Mark Simon begins a new sermon series.
This week we are looking at the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-13
All are welcome!
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Christmas Services at St Luke's!
All are welcome to join us for Christmas celebrations in 2022. We will have a family-friendly service at 5.00pm on Christmas Eve. This service will include a kids nativity where all children present can join in. We will be singing well-loved carols, and we'll share in communion together.
At 9.30am on Christmas Day we'll have a service of Carols and Communion. All are welcome. This service will only have a short kids segment, and some activity packs will be provided for children as they stay with their parents in church.
Sunday December 18, Born To Conquer Evil
This Sunday, December 18, is the fourth week of Advent, and we continue our new series called 'Born'
St Alfred's Associate Minister, Rev Rene Pfitzner will preach on the theme 'Born To Conquer evil' based on the text Phil 2
All are welcome!
Advent and Christmas Series
Our preaching series for the Advent and Christmas services is called “Born.” We will be using Philippians 2 as the basis of the series, reflecting on the amazing implications of the incarnation. A resource we recommend for personal or group study is The One True Gift by Tim Chester.
Sunday December 11, Born to Reshape Our Lives
This Sunday, December 11, is the third week of Advent, and we continue our new series called 'Born'
St Alfred's Senior Associate Minister, Rev Mike McNamara, will preach on the theme 'Born To reshape our lives' based on the text Phil 2:1-11
All are welcome!
Advent and Christmas Series
Our preaching series for the Advent and Christmas services is called “Born.” We will be using Philippians 2 as the basis of the series, reflecting on the amazing implications of the incarnation. A resource we recommend for personal or group study is The One True Gift by Tim Chester.
Sunday December 4, Born To Create a United People
This Sunday, December 4, is the second week of Advent, and we continue our new series called 'Born'
Our Senior Minister, Rev Peter MacPherson, will preach on the theme 'Born To Create a United People'
All are welcome!
Advent and Christmas Series
Our preaching series for the Advent and Christmas services is called “Born.” We will be using Philippians 2 as the basis of the series, reflecting on the amazing implications of the incarnation. A resource we recommend for personal or group study is The One True Gift by Tim Chester.
Sunday November 27 - Advent Begins
This Sunday, November 27 we commence a new series called 'Born' - our Advent series for 2022 as we prepare ourselves for Christmas.
Our Associate Minister, Rev Dr Mark Simon, will preach on the theme 'Born to set an example' based on Phil 2:1-5
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read more
Sunday November 20 Testimonies and Thanksgiving
This Sunday we are having a special service when we thank God for the past year, and we hear from people who are thankful to God for His blessings.
We have our annual general meeting following the service.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday November 6- On a Mission to Help People Become Mature Disciples
This week our Associate Minister Mark Simon will preach on the theme 'On a Mission to Help People Become Mature Disciples' taken from Matthew 28:16-20
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday October 30
This Sunday Rev Dr Chris Mulherin from ISCAST will give his final talk in the series Creation and Humanity
ISCAST is a network of people, from students to distinguished academics, exploring the interface of science, technology, and Christian faith.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday October 16
This Sunday we continue our sermon series called 'Creation and Humanity'
We welcome back Rev Dr Chris Mulherin from ISCAST will be preaching for his fourth presentation of five in series.
ISCAST is a network of people, from students to distinguished academics, exploring the interface of science, technology, and Christian faith.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday October 2nd - Creation Care - Why Care?
This Sunday we continue our sermon series called 'Creation and Humanity'
We welcome back Rev Dr Chris Mulherin from ISCAST will be preaching.
ISCAST is a network of people, from students to distinguished academics, exploring the interface of science, technology, and Christian faith.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday September 25 - Creation Ruined
This Sunday we continue our sermon series called 'Creation and Humanity'
Our Associate Minister Rev Dr Mark Simon will be preaching on the theme 'Creation Ruined' from the text Genesis 3:1-24.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday September 18
This Sunday we continue our sermon series called 'Creation and Humanity'
We welcome back Rev Dr Chris Mulherin from ISCAST will be preaching.
ISCAST is a network of people, from students to distinguished academics, exploring the interface of science, technology, and Christian faith.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday September 4 - Creation and Humanity
This Sunday we continue our sermon series called 'Creation and Humanity'
Rev Dr Chris Mulherin from ISCAST will be preaching.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday August 28 - Creation and Humanity
This Sunday we commence a new sermon series called 'Creation and Humanity'
St Alfred's Senior Associate Minister Mike McNamara will be preaching.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday August 21 - Liberating Truth
This Sunday St Alfred's Senior Associate Minister Mike McNamara will lead our Holy Communion service.
Our Associate Minister Mark Simon will preach on the theme 'Liberating Truth'
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday August 14 - A Longing for Love
This Sunday St Alfred's Associate Minister Rene Pfitzner will preach on the theme 'A Longing for Love'
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday August 7 - A Deeper Beauty
This Sunday our Senior Minister Peter MacPherson leads our Communion service, and Associate Minister Mark Simon will preach on the theme 'A Deeper Beauty'
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday July 31 2022 - The Forest Underground
We welcome Tony Rinaudo this Sunday
Tony has a truly inspiring story to tell about the regeneration of millions of hectares of land firstly in Niger, west Africa, and then into many other countries across the globe.
In his 17 years in Niger, Tony, who grew up in Myrtleford in Victoria, discovered an embarrassingly simple and affordable method of regreening land by reviving damaged trees rather than planting new ones. It’s a technique that not only alleviates poverty and soaks up carbon, but also costs almost 36 times less than planting trees from scratch.
This is not some green fantasy. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) has, from small beginnings, already regreened more than 18 million hectares in 27 countries, reduced our carbon footprint and transformed millions of lives and livelihoods.
The Forest Underground offers tangible hope for climate change, as well as a deeply moving account of one man’s faith-journey. In a seemingly hopeless crisis, this is the good-news story that will move hearts and hands to care for the planet.
Tony has a wonderful faith in God, and his prayers were answered magnificently with the profoundly simple but effective Farmer Managed Natural Resources FMNR method
Come and hear about this ongoing green revolution that is providing food and income for many, and restoring land once left desolate.
Everyone is welcome!
... read moreSunday July 24 - True Spirituality
Last Sunday we commences a new sermon series called "Signposts to Life" at St Luke's.
Rev Mike McNamara from our partner church, St Alfred's will preach and our Associate Minister Rev Dr Mark Simon will lead.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read more
Sunday July 17 - New Sermon Series - Signposts to Life
This Sunday we commence a new sermon series called "Signposts to Life" at St Luke's.
Our Senior Minister Rev Peter MacPherson will lead the service and our Associate Minister Rev Dr Mark Simon will preach.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read more
Sunday July 10 2022 - Safe With the Lord
This coming Sunday July 10 we welcome Revs Maree and Graeme Vines from our partner church St Alfred's in Blackburn North.
Graeme will lead our service and Maree will continue our Keep The Faith sermon series and preach from 2 Timothy 4:9-22
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday July 3 2022
This coming Sunday July 3 we welcome Rev Mavis Payne from our partner church St Alfred's in Blackburn North.
Mavis will lead our Holy Communion service and will continue our Keep The Faith sermon series and preach from 2 Timothy 4:1-8
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday June 26 2022 - Keep Going
This Sunday our Associate Minister Rev Dr Mark Simon will continue our Keep The Faith sermon series and preach from 2 Timothy 3:10-17
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday June 19 2022
This Sunday our Senior Minister Rev Peter MacPherson will lead our Holy Communion service.
Associate Minister Rev Dr Mark Simon will continue our Keep The Faith sermon series and preach from 2 Timothy 3:1-9
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday June 12 2022
This Sunday June 12 we welcome Liz Bolton, Assistant Minister at our partner church St Alfred's in Blackburn North.
We have a special service this week with the theme "Christian call to mission" taken from Acts 8
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
Sunday May 29 - We Welcome Lauren Weatherlake
This Sunday May 29 we welcome Lauren Weatherlake, Assistant Minister at our partner church St Alfred's in Blackburn North.
Mark Simon will lead the service and Lauren will continue our sermon series from 2 Timothy "Keep the Faith"
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday May 22 - Be Strong In Christ
We are grateful to live in a democracy and have the privilege to vote.
This Sunday Mark Simon will continue our new sermon series called "Keep the faith" - based on Paul's second letter to Timothy.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday May 15, We Welcome Rene Pfitzner
This Sunday Rene Pfitzner from our partner church St Alfred's will continue our new sermon series called "Keep the faith" - based on Paul's second letter to Timothy.
Our Mark Simon will lead our Communion service.
After Rene has preached, he will drive to St Alfred's and preach at their 10AM service.
All are welcome!
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to watch the livestream from St Alfred's or listen to the audio recording.
... read moreSunday May 8, Mother's Day
This Sunday (May 8) is Mother's Day in Australia.
Loving God, thank you for mums and children and for all the joy of family life.
We thank you too for grandmothers, for women who are mother or aunty figures, for women who enrich the lives of those they encounter in diverse ways.
Be with those who are grieving the loss of their mother; be near to those who are sad because they are far apart from those they love.
Let your love be present in every home, and help your church to have eyes to see and ears to hear the needs of all who come.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Keep The Faith - New Sermon Series
This Sunday, May 8, we commence a new series called "Keep The Faith", based on Paul's second letter to Timothy.
We invite everyone to come if they can!
Our partner church St Alfred's has recently begun livestreaming their 10AM services so if you cannot attend, please take part from home
ANZAC Day Weekend April 2022
Ahead of ANZAC Day on Monday April 25 we reflect on the costly courage and sacrifice by our armed forces and the families left behind since the 1915 landings at Gallipoli.
God of love and liberty,
we bring our thanks today for the peace and security we enjoy.
We remember those who in time of war faithfully served their country.
We pray for their families, and for ourselves whose freedom was won at such a cost.
Make us people zealous for peace, and hasten the day when nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither learn war any more.
This we pray in the name of the one who gave is life for the sake of the world:
Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.
At our Sunday service this Sunday April 24, we will remember and give thanks for our freedom, and to particularly pray for the people of Ukraine.
... read moreSt Alfred's Livestreaming Has Started!
If you cannot attend our Sunday services in person, you can now watch our partner church St Alfred's 10AM service live!
The service is also recorded, and you will be able to watch the recording at any time
The audio recording of our sermons will continue and is available on our
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Easter Services at St Luke's
We were delighted to have about 90 to 100 people join us on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Good Friday April 15 9.30AM Witness His Death
Easter Sunday April 17 9.30AM Witness His Resurrection
We looked at Matthew's Gospel account of the death, burial, and the resurrection of Jesus on the 3rd day.
You can view the recorded livestream of our partner church St Alfred's
... read moreSunday March 27 Welcome To Liz Bolton
We welcome Liz Bolton, Youth Minister at our partner church St Alfred's to our service.
Liz will be our guest preacher, continuing the sermon series from the Old Testament book of Joshua
Everyone is welcome!
As always the audio will be available for later listening or download, and you can also see our Partner church St Alfred's online You-tube service.
Sunday March 13 - We Welcome Mike McNamara
We look forward to welcoming Senior Associate Minister Mike McNamara from our partner church who will continue our sermon series called "The Promised Land - The Book of Joshua"
All are welcome!
As always the audio will be available for later listening or download, and you can also see our Partner church St Alfred's online You-tube service.
... read moreSunday Feb 20 - We Welcome Rev Rene Pfitzner
This Sunday we welcome Rev Rene Pfitzner, the new Associate Minister of our partner church, St Alfred's in Blackburn North.
Mark Simon will lead our Holy Communion service, and Rene will preach.
We have commenced a new sermon series from the Old Testament book of Joshua called "The Promised Land"
Everyone is welcome!
Sunday January 16th 2022 - Andy Little (MAF) To Preach
We look forward to welcoming Andy Little (MAF) who will preach from Psalm 100.
Andy and his wife Mif are members at our partner church St Alfred's in Blackburn North.
Andy has worked as a Pilot for MAF in Arnhem Land and in PNG before moving to Mareeba, North Queensland where he is helping to train student pilots.
All welcome!
Sundays in January 2022 - God Our Rock - A Series from Psalms
Welcome to church in January 2022!
We are holding our regular 9.30AM public worship services, welcoming everyone!
Our theme is "God - Our Rock" and we will be looking at different Psalms
As the covid19 pandemic continues, we acknowledge that God is our Rock.
Sunday November 28 - Peace and Hope
This Sunday we begin Advent.
Advent is a vital season in the church calendar when Christians focus on the coming birth of Jesus. Properly understood, Advent is about preparing ourselves in heart and mind to understand the significance of Jesus coming into the world.
Hope, love, joy and peace are the traditional themes of this season.
The first week we focus on Peace and Hope.
Our Associate Minister Rev Mark Simon will preach.
We continue to produce our weekly pre-recorded on-line service, and worship at home printed notes.
May you find time to reflect on the deeper meaning of Christmas this year.
Video Service
Audio Sermons:
... read morePromoting The Gospel - Sun November 21
Great news! We resumed public worship services on Sunday November 7, in accordance with the current covid19 restrictions.
We continue with our on-line recorded services.
This week our Senior Minister Rev Peter MacPherson preaches on the theme Promoting the Gospel
"How To Grow in Faith"
Video Service
Audio Sermons:
Sunday October 3 On-Line Service - Living In Challenging Times
We continue to record the video services at our partner church, St Alfred's. You can watch or listen each week.
We conclude our series from the Old Testament book of Esther with the apt series title, “Living in Challenging Times.”
Rev Dr David Williams, preaches from Esther 9-10
... read moreCovid19 Update - September 19 News
The Victorian State Government has continued the lockdown for Melbourne, for a further 6 weeks, and the plan to come out of lockdown will be cautious and gradual.
We are blessed to have the technology to connect on-line and continue church in this way.
We look forward to when we will meet in person, but until then, on-line it is! We invite you to listen to the audio sermons or watch the videos.
Victorian lockdown continues - on-line services only
On Monday August 16, the State Government extended the lockdown for another two weeks, with a further extension likely.
Therefore our services will remain on-line only. We continue to record the video services hosted on our web site, worship at home notes, and post the sermons as audio files.
On Sunday Aug 22 we will begin a new series in from the Old Testament book of Esther with the apt series title, “Living in Challenging Times.” Why study Esther, you might ask? Here are some thoughts...
... read moreAUGUST 11 - Services remain SUSPENDED due to continuing Covid19 lockdown
Melbourne remains in covid19 lockdown - so we cannot hold public worship services Sunday Aug 15.
However, we will have our on-line video services and worship at home resources
We conclude our sermon series from Acts on the early church, entitled Jesus Is Lord, this week the theme is Peter Escapes, taken from Acts 12:1-24
... read more9.30am Sunday Service resumes onsite from 1 August
With the easing of public health restrictions, St Luke's is resuming our 9.30am service.
This Sunday we continue our series on the Early Church, with Senior Minister Peter MacPherson preaching from Acts 11 where the Apostle Peter explains his vision.
... read moreANZAC Day 2021
This Sunday April 25 we mark ANZAC Day during our 9.30AM service.
We pray that we, and all the people of Australia and New Zealand, gratefully remembering those who fought for our freedom, their courage and their sacrifice, may have grace to live in a spirit of justice, of generosity, and of peace.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(from Charles Sherlock, ‘Australian Anglicans Remember’ p.51).
... read more