Giving - Supporting the Work

At St Luke’s we believe that part of our response to God's love and generosity to us is to give to the needs of others and to the work of His church in our community. It takes time and resources to keep the church running here in Vermont and to provide for those in need. We encourage each parishioner to prayerfully consider what they are able to give to God's kingdom work.
The New Testament model is not one of rules and regulations but of giving generously according to the blessings we have received from God's hand. Some will be able to give proportionally more by virtue of the blessing they have received while for others it will be more modest. Scripture tells us that whatever the amount the motivation must from a grateful heart.
If you are a regular attendee of St Luke’s, please consider supporting the ministry and mission of our church through regular financial giving. We encourage church members to consider financial giving through direct debit as it helps us plan budgets for the future of our church. Church financial reports are always available to church members through our Annual Report.
To help parishioners to give regularly we have an arrangement for direct bank deposit giving while also providing envelopes and the capacity for open offering giving at each service. Arrangements can also be made to give to various mission agencies.
Giving Electronically
You can set up a regular direct debit from your account to St Luke's through Anglican Development Funds. The following link will take you to a pdf which you can print and then mail to ADF to establish the regular debits.
You can also arrange an electronic funds transfer to St Luke's through your own banking app. Please contact us to request our BSB and account number if you would like to do this. Phone 03 9873 1375, email, or have a chat with our Treasurer Tony Jones.