9.30am Sunday Service

Visitors are welcome at our 9:30am Sunday service .
We use a mixture of traditional and modern music, readings from the Bible, a sermon, and prayer for the world and each other. A children's program for preschool and primary school age children is run by the children's team.
On the first and third Sunday of the month, the service celebrates Holy Communion, while on other Sundays, the service is of Praise, Prayer and Proclamation. Our services run for 60-90 minutes.

St Luke's has a communion service on the first and third Sundays each month. Communion is a service which includes the sharing of bread and wine in recognition and remembrance of the meal that Jesus shared with His disciples before he was betrayed, taken prisoner and then gave His life, before rising from the dead on the third day.
It’s a service of thanksgiving where we use bread and wine as symbolic representations of His love for the disciples, and for all of humanity. The bread represents His broken body and the wine His blood poured out for the forgiveness of our sins.
We proclaim together that Jesus has died, Jesus has risen and that Jesus will come again.
We recognise that the taking of wine may be difficult for some –we have that covered, offering grape juice instead of wine.
We welcome all who love Jesus, are committed to Him to take Communion with us.
If you are unsure about taking Communion, then we invite you to come forward to the Communion rail at the front of the Church and ask for a blessing instead.