Rev Dr Mark Simon
Acting Vicar of St Luke's and St Alfred's - May 2024
Mark was Parish Minister, commissioned 14 April, 2019
Arts Law (Hons) ANU, MDiv from BCV, MTh from Ridley, PhD from Ridley.
I am married to Louise, and we have two sons, Joshua and Lachlan.
What are you passionate about?
Helping people grow in Christ.
What are your hobbies? How do you like to relax?
DIY, travel, TV, movies, books, tennis (if I’m going to be more active than walking the dog).
Mark’s Story
I grew up a C&E Christian (Christmas and Easter). When I was 15 I turned away from even that small amount of church, preferring the teenage pursuit of pleasure. By the time I was 17 I’d realised that I couldn’t find satisfaction that way, and began investigating Jesus. I was attracted by the peace, purpose and love that Christians had, and which I lacked. After a few weeks at my local youth group, God’s love broke through my cynicism and doubts, and I gave my life to God to remake me and set me on a new trajectory with Jesus front and centre.
I’ve been privileged to serve Christ as an Anglican minister in Melbourne since 2006, and as a New Testament lecturer in Indonesia from 2009 to 2015. Resettling in Melbourne in 2016 gave me the opportunity to work on a doctorate exploring mission in Ephesians, and to lead a local church through a season of seeking new directions. I’m excited by the opportunities at St Alfred’s in partnership with St Luke’s, to share Christ with our community and cultivate an ever-growing faith among existing members.