Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts

About this Series
The Gospel writer Luke also wrote the New Testament book of Acts which records the end of Jesus's earthly ministry and the beginning of the Early Church. The day of Pentecost was the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the lives of the Apostles were transformed. The early church was born.
Peter Escapes
15th August 2021
Bible Text: Acts 12:1-24
Preacher: Wei-Han Kuan
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Barnabas and Paul in Antioch
8th August 2021
Bible Text: Acts 11:19-30
Preacher: Lauren Weatherlake
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Peter Explains His Vision
1st August 2021
Bible Text: Acts 11:1-18
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
The Gospel Spreads
25th July 2021
Bible Text: Acts 10:23-48
Preacher: David Williams
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Peter's Vision
18th July 2021
Bible Text: Acts 10:1-23
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Tabitha Raised From the Dead
11th July 2021
Bible Text: Acts 9:32-43
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Paul in Jerusalem
4th July 2021
Bible Text: Acts 9:19-31
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Saul's Conversion
27th June 2021
Bible Text: Acts 9:1-19
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Philip & An Ethiopian Seeker
20th June 2021
Bible Text: Acts 8:26-40
Preacher: Bishop Genieve Blackwell
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Mission in Samaria
13th June 2021
Bible Text: Acts 8:9-25
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
The Gospel Spreads Due To Persecution
30th May 2021
Bible Text: Acts 7:54-8:8
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
A History of Human Rebellion 6PM
23rd May 2021 6PM St Alfred's
Bible Text: Acts 7:1-53
Preacher: David Williams
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
A History of Human Rebellion
23rd May 2021
Bible Text: Acts 7:1-53
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
16th May 2021 6PM
Bible Text: Acts 6:1-15
Preacher: Bronwyn Fernando
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Problems and Priorities for a Growing Church
16th May 2021
Bible Text: Acts 6:1-15
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Rejoicing Under Persecution 6PM
9th May 2021 6PM
Bible Text: Acts 5:17-42
Preacher: Lauren Weatherlake
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Rejoicing Under Persecution
9th May 2021
Bible Text: Acts 5:17-42
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Healing, Signs and Wonders
2nd May 2021
Bible Text: Acts 5:12-16
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Ananias and Sapphira
25th April 2021
Bible Text: Acts 5:1-11
Preacher: Wei-Han Kuan
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
One In Heart and Mind
18th April 2021
Bible Text: Acts 4:32-37
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Prayer for Boldness & Miracles
11th April 2021
Bible Text: Acts 4:23-31
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Prayer for Boldness & Miracles
11th April 2021
Bible Text: Acts 4:23-31
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
No Other Name 6PM Service
28th March 2021
Bible Text: Acts 4:1-22
Preacher: Bronwyn Fernando
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
No Other Name
28th March 2021
Bible Text: Acts 4:1-22
Preacher: Andrea Hensher
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
The Prophets Point to Jesus
21st March 2021
Bible Text: Acts 3:17-26
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Healing In Jesus' Name
14th March 2021
Bible Text: Acts 3:1-16
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
The Church Begins
7th March 2021
Bible Text: Acts 2:36-47
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Jesus Is Lord
28th February 2021
Bible Text: Acts 2:14-36
Preacher: Lauren Weatherlake
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
Filled With The Holy Spirit
21st February 2021
Bible Text: Acts 2:1-13
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts
A New Apostle
14th February 2021
Bible Text: Acts 1:1-11
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Jesus is Lord - The Book of Acts