Rev Peter MacPherson

Rev Peter MacPherson


Peter was the Senior Minister of St Luke’s, Vermont from 2017 to 2024.


B.A. Dip. Ed. B.Th. Dip Min. I trained for ministry at Ridley College.


Married to Ginney. We have three children, Hannah, David & Naomi.

What are you passionate about?

Leading a healthy local church.

What are your hobbies? How do you like to relax?

Reading, watching cricket and football, body surfing at Philip Island, enjoying time with my family.

Peter’s Story

I grew up as a Roman Catholic but drifted away as a teenager. It was more fun playing cricket and football with mates. In my 20’s I began to meet Christians who were intelligent and could answer my questions about God and the Bible. I was especially helped by a Christian community in Switzerland called L’Abri. I eventually became a Christian myself and after a few years teaching English in a secondary school I went to Ridley College and eventually sensed a call to full-time ministry.